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Iz A Pop Of Fun For A Birthday

When my birthday comes around every year, my friends and family are used to the classic Gluten-Free chocolate cupcake desert special. It Iz always fun to think of something new! It Iz time for a Cake Pop Party!

A friend found the cake pop maker and we asked mom! Some started to pull out the ingredients, others started mixing, and then others brought out the food coloring and the sprinkles! When everyone gives up the Gluten for you on a play date or at your own party, you do not have to feel as though they are giving up fun.

There are so many ways to make an activity new, fun, different, and exciting. These fabulous cake pops may have been Gluten-Free, but the fun makes us forget about what kind of flour it is and the first bite is beyond amazing!

Never feel badly or ashamed about giving your friends a Gluten-Free experience. You are expanding their world inside the cake pop and outside of it too! People love to see new things, and this is what makes my Gluten-Free house exciting and interesting!

Your friendship, smile, and fun-loving style are more than enough for any playdate. Always have a pop of fun and enjoy with your friends!

This past year for my 20th birthday—my mom, my grandmother, and I made a pinkalicous desert party! Cake pops were on the menu—and I have shared the recipe I used below! If you are interested, click on the link and learn from “gfjules” about how to make Gluten-Free cake pops and cake balls of all kinds and flavors!

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